Asghar Aryanfar - Lab of Energy Materials and Sustainability (LEMS )
Brief Bio:
I am Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Bogazici University as well as Visiting Researcher at Caltech . I received the BSc in Civil and Mechanical Engineering (double major, top 2% ) from Sharif University of Technology in 2009 and the MSc and PhD in Mechanical Engineering from California Institute of Technology , in 2010 and 2015, respectively. Previously I was Assistant Professor at American University of Beirut (’19-’22) and Lecturer at Bahçeşehir University (’16-’19) and prior to that I was Postdoctoral Associate at UCLA Materials Science department (’15-’16). My research has been in developing multi-physics/chemistry methods and materials for energy storage, conversion, transport and sustainability. Current projects include analysis and design of state-of-the-art sustainable rechargeable batteries and prediction of heterogeneous cracking behavior for membranes/clads exposed to extreme states.
Trina Dhara (Cornell) ,
Beste Kara ,
Selin Bardak ,
Bugracan Bozkurt ,
Ayse Cetinler (Polimi) ,
Mahmoud Yamani (AUB) ,
Mounir El Skafi (Oxford) ,
Fadi Elias (Georgia Tech) ,
Semih Can (Texas A&M) ,
Jan Paczesny (ICHF Warsaw) ,
Boran Celik (Michigan)
past :
M Kulak (TUM) ,
J Marian (UCLA) ,
P Mukherjee (Purdue) ,
T Cheng (Soochow) ,
I Şanal (BAU) ,
SR Damadi (U Tabriz) ,
MG Kakroudi (U Tabriz) ,
J Greer (Caltech) ,
B Yildiz (MIT) ,
A Van der Ven (UCSB) ,
D Xu (OSU) ,
M Youssef (AUC) ,
J Yang (EPFL) ,
AJ Colussi (Caltech) ,
V Viswanathan (CMU) ,
D Saad (Stanford) ,
S Medlej (AUB) ,
Y Ghamlouche (AUB) ,
J Jundi (TUM) ,
AR El Tallis (Columbia) ,
M Khoury (AUB) .
May’23: Paper was accepted for publication in the Journal of Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion : Enhancing the Thermal Dissipation in Batteries via Inclusion of Central Heat Sink
Apr’23: Paper was accepted for publication in the Construction and Building Materials : Acquiring the Size Distributions of the Aggregates using Percolation Modeling
Mar’23: Paper was accepted for publication in Mechanics of Materials : Governing Failure Mechanisms of Simplified Three-way Dendritic Branch under Compressive Load .
Feb’23: Paper was published in J Physical Chemistry C : The Role of Pulse Duty Cycle and Frequency in the Dendritic Compression .
Jan’23: Paper was published in the JOM : Coupling the Corrosion- and Pressure-Assisted Stress Buildup within the Zirconium in PWR Pipes .
Oct’22: Paper was accepted for publication in J Electrochemical Society (single author): Linearized Tracking of the Dendritic Evolution in Rechargeable Batteries .
Sep’22: I will give a talk in the EMRS conference at Warsaw, Poland .
Sep’22: Paper was accepted for publication in Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology : An estimation for the effective force transfer medium in radial loading of the cylindrical and spherical geometries .
Sep’22: I will give a talk in the QUENCH workshop (travel grant awarded) at KIT , Karlsruhe, Germany .
Jul’22: I will give a talk in the Nucleus 2022 Conference, Moscow, Russia .
May’22: I will give a talk in Electrochemical Society Conference , Vancouver, CA .
Feb’22: Paper accepted for publication in MRS Bulletin : Optimization of Charge Curve for the Extreme Inhibition of Growing Microstructures during Electrodeposition .
Jan’22: Paper published in the Materialia : Real-time interface-tracking framework for the evolution of the phases during the quenching of the steel balls .
Oct’21: I will be Session Chair for the Solid-State Batteries/Electrodes, Electrolytes and Interphases in MRS 2021 Fall meeting , Boston, MA .
Jul’21: Paper published in Computational Materials Science : 3D Percolation Modeling for Predicting the Thermal Conductivity of Graphene-Polymer Composites .
Jun’21: Talk on Electrochemical Society Conference: Kinetics and Thermodynamics Driven Charging Protocols to Control the Formation of Dendrites in the Rechargeable Batteries
May’21: Paper published in the International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials : Image Processing for the Plastic Viscosity of Cementitious Mortar with Super Absorbent Polymer
Apr’21: Talk on MRS Conference : Overview of the Charging Protocols for Halting the Dendrites in Rechargeable Batteries
Mar’21: Paper Published in the Journal of Chemical Physics : Real-time control of dendritic propagation in rechargeable batteries using adaptive pulse relaxation
Jan’21: Conference paper published in the Intelligent Decision Science : Image Processing for Workability of Concrete with Super Absorbent Polymer
Dec’20: Paper published in the Soft Matter : Elliptic Percolation Model for Predicting the Electrical Conductivity of Graphene-Polymer Composites
Nov’20: Paper published in the Electrochimica Acta : Pulse-Reverse Protocol for Efficient Suppression of Dendritic Micro-structures in Rechargeable Batteries
Oct’20: Paper published in the Computational Materials Science : A Novel Method for Estimating the Charge Equilibrium within the Dendrites of Rechargeable Batteries
Sep’20: Paper published in the Journal of Power Sources : Morphometry of Dendritic Materials in Rechargeable Batteries
Jul’20: Awarded Research Grant on COVID-19 treatment. ($12,000/yr )
Jun’20: Awarded Grant from University Research Board ($30,000/2yrs )
May’20: Awarded Grant from Masri Institute on Sustainability ($50,000/2yrs )
Apr’20: Outreach travel grant awarded ($2,500/yr )
Mar’20: Paper published in Structural Concrete: Novel Percolation-based Measure for Fibre Efficacy in Fiber‐reinforced Concrete Beams
Jan’20: Lab establishment proposal awarded ($60,000 )
Dec’19: Sajed Medlej joins as a PhD student in Mechanical Engineering. Here a sample of his publication.
Nov’19: Book chapter published in Advances in Materials Science Research, Volume 39, ISBN: 978-1-53616-176-2: Electrochemical Systems:Electrodes and Double Layers
Oct’19: Talk at Electrochemical Society Conference (ECS), Atlanta, GA : Optimal Pulse Charging for the Dendritic Electrodeposition in Mesoscale Electrodes
Sep’19: Paper published in Physical Review E : Finite Pulse Waves for Efficient Suppression of Mesoscale Dendrites in Rechargeable Batteries
Aug’19: Ayse Cetinler joins Politecnico di Milano as a graduate student in Civil Engineering.
Jul’19: Paper published in Corrosion Science : Constriction percolation model for coupled diffusion-reaction corrosion of zirconium in PWR
May’19: Talk (sponsored) at American University of Beirut , Mechanical Engineering department, Beirut, Lebanon .
Oct’18: Paper published at Journal of Nuclear Materials: Multilayer interface tracking model of zirconium clad oxidation
May’18: BAUBAP Grant awarded: Novel research on energy materials. (150,000 TL/2yrs )
Jan’18: Paper published at MRS Advances: Theoretical pulse charge for the optimal inhibition of growing dendrites
Dec’17: KOSGEB and BIGG Grants awarded: Fabrication of novel safe battery of higher energy density. (300,000 TL/2yrs )
Aug’17: Talk (sponsored) at QUENCH workshop (IAEA), KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany : Novel percolation model in post-transition growth kinetics of heterogeneous zirconium oxide
Jan’17: Publication featured in Caltech News: Building Better Batteries
Aug’16: Talk at Sadoway group , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA .
Jun’16: Talk at EMN Conference , Prague, Czech Republic .
May’16: Talk (sponsored) at EPFL Mechanical Engineering department, Laussane, Switzerland : Engineering Electrochemical Materials for Energy Storage and Sustainability: From Rechargeable Batteries to Power Plants
Apr’16: Talk on International Congress on Advances in Nuclear Power Plants ICAPP 2016 , San Francisco, CA .
Mar’16: Talk (sponsored) at Tesla , Palo Alto, CA .
Feb’16: Paper published at Journal of Metals Materials and Minerals (JOM): Integrated Computational Modeling of Water Side Corrosion in Zirconium Metal Clad Under Nominal LWR Operating Conditions
Nov’15: Two Talks (sponsored) at Apple , Cupertino, CA CA .
Oct’15: Interview on American Institute of Physics : Extending battery life via off-operation heating
Sep’15: Talk (sponsored) at Bilkent University Mechanical Engineering department, Ankara, Turkey .
Aug’15: Paper published at Journal of Chemical Physics: Annealing kinetics of electrodeposited lithium dendrites
May’15: Talk at Electrochemical Society Conference (ECS ), Chicago, IL : Three Dimensional Modeling of Dendrite Growth in Rechargeable Lithium Metal Batteries
Apr’15: Defended PhD ! [Link] . Evaluating Team: Prof. Wiliam A. Goddard III , Prof. Michael R. Hoffmann , Prof. Julia R. Greer , Prof. Jose E. Andrade , Prof. Austin Minnich .
Feb’15: Paper published at Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: Thermal relaxation of lithium dendrites
Dec’14: Talk at Bazant group , Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge, MA .
Aug’14: Paper published at Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics: Quantifying the dependence of dead lithium losses on the cycling period in lithium metal batteries
Jun’14: Talk (sponsored) at Corporation , Hillsboro, OR .
May’14: Talk at Electrochemical Society Conference (ECS ), Orlando, FL: Investigation of Lithium Dendrite Necking and Formation of Dead Lithium Crystals
Apr’14: Talk at Materials Research Society Conference (MRS ), San Francisco, CA .
Mar’14: Paper published at Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters: Dynamics of Lithium Dendrite Growth and Inhibition: Pulse Charging Experiments and Monte Carlo Calculations
Jan’14: Paper published at Environmental Science and Technology: Effects of Anodic Potential and Chloride Ion on Overall Reactivity in Electrochemical Reactors Designed for Solar-Powered Wastewater Treatment
Dec’13: Talk at Materials Research Society Conference (MRS ), Boston, MA : Lithium Dendrite Growth Control Using Local Temperature Variation
May’13: Interview , featured design in SolidWorks , novel closed-loop sanitation system.
Oct’12: Talk at Electrochemical Society Conference (ECS ), Honolulu, Hawaii : Modeling of State-Dependent Dendritic Growth Batteries with Potentiostatic Cycling
Aug’12: First prize recipient , Novel self-sustaining sanitation system, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: [FastCompany] [Reuters] [Time] [Economist]